SirenOpt Receives Controls Award

Today SirenOpt CEO and co-founder Jared O'Leary and SirenOpt co-founder Professor Ali Mesbah were awarded the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award at the 2024 American Control Conference Control in Toronto.

Today SirenOpt CEO and co-founder Jared O'Leary and SirenOpt co-founder Professor Ali Mesbah were awarded the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award at the 2024 American Control Conference Control in Toronto. This award recognizes their paper "A physics-informed deep learning approach for minimum effort stochastic control of colloidal self-assembly" as the best application paper presented at the 2023 edition of the American Control Conference. Their co-authors Iman Nodozi of UCSC and Abhishek Halder of Iowa State also shared the award.

Congrats to Jared, Ali, Iman and Abhishek for earning this prestigious award!

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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase 1 grant

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SirenOpt Sponors 5th ICDDPS-5

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Courtyard Ventures: Why We Invested in SirenOpt

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SirenOpt Receives Controls Award

Today SirenOpt CEO and co-founder Jared O'Leary and SirenOpt co-founder Professor Ali Mesbah were awarded the O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award at the 2024 American Control Conference Control in Toronto.

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